So when I start seeing these behaviors increasing, I like to
keep it real for my students and have a heart to heart with them. We've all heard some variation of, "No
one is good at everything, but we're all good at something." But we need to let them know that it's
possible for them to get better at something that they feel they're not good
at. I let them know that I'm not good at
everything either. I am pretty sure I
have a learning disability when it comes to sense of direction. This affects me in various ways:
1. I'm
not fluent with left and right.
2. I
can't find new places easily.
3. If
I do find where I'm going, I have trouble finding my way back because
everything is reversed. Even something
as simple as walking around a store used to be frustrating.
4. When
I am facing someone, like in an aerobics class, I have trouble reversing the
Does this mean I should avoid aerobics classes? Should I avoid going to new places? Do I
need to go with my mom to the store so I don't get lost? Obviously not. So I've learned ways to compensate.

2. I
bought a GPS. Totally counts as adaptive
technology as far as I'm concerned.
3. If
I have to find my way back from somewhere, I look back often. I have a pretty good visual memory, so if I'm
seeing something from the perspective that I'll be approaching, I can retrace
my steps.
4. If
I'm watching an exercise video and direction doesn't matter, I just do the
routine completely backwards and mirror the person. I'm still getting the same benefits. If I'm learning a dance routine and direction
does matter, I either face the other way and look behind me to get the
instructions, or for footwork I ask the instructor to turn around.
I have learned how to function even though my sense of
direction is a weakness. And I prove it
to them in our school's Variety Show every year when I perform in the teacher's
dance number. That's right. This introverted teacher who never had a
dance lesson learned the choreography has banged out Dynamite, Beat
It, Proud Mary, and Firework.
It's not easy, just like reading those MCAS passages are not easy for
some people. I've gotten pretty
frustrated at myself during rehearsals, just like some people get really
frustrated after a few practice math MCAS problems. And since I don't quit, they can't quit
The fact is, it's worth it to make ourselves uncomfortable, because
that's how we grow. I tell them, "It
keeps me involved with the other teachers, who are fun to be with. It feels amazing when it comes together and I
know I've nailed it. And people in the
audience have never said, 'You messed up that one part,' they just say, 'Wow,
you all did so great!' Because no one's
looking for perfection from anyone else in this school. But we do expect you to do your best and do a
little better each time you try something."
This is the first year the teachers will be unable to
perform in the Variety Show. I'm sad
it's worked out that way. And I've
missed having this talk with my class.
But I still believe in making myself uncomfortable, on purpose, because
this is how I will grow. So I'm getting
ready for a new endeavor.
I'm flying off to the TPTOrlando16 Conference in July.
For the past 2 years I'd told myself, "I'm an
introvert. Face to face networking is
not a good investment of my time and money.
I can learn from reading blogs and forums posts" But last year I ended up feeling really sorry
for myself that I wasn't there. And
that's when I realized I was ready to grow.
I have some work to do, but I will actively be seeking ways to
compensate for my weaknesses. I've
collected some articles on how to network over on Pinterest. Then I'm going to look for opportunities to
practice prior to flying out.

Great post Amber - I love growth mindset and have made it a point to use it and teach it this year. xo
Teaching and Much Moore