At my school we do Morning Meeting.
Although most teachers were already pros at it by the time
our current principal came along, it was new to me! I felt like a fish out of water because it
was such a stark contrast to Lorainne Monroe's "Do Now,"
teacher-directed, "leave your baggage at the door and do what the teacher
says without a word" philosophy of my previous school. My teaching style tends to fall somewhere in
the middle of this wide spectrum!
A Quick Morning Meeting Greeting
By the end of the second year, I felt invested in
Morning Meeting. My principal had
modeled how to run a meeting sitting in a circle in our rug area, having a fun
greeting, share time, an activity, and making announcements. I researched lots of activities to do for the
"game" portion and greetings, and this year I've done a pretty good
job of mixing things up. Since every group of kids has a different dynamic, my fourth graders this year have
different favorite "go to" activities this year from last year, and
by far our favorite greeting has been, "What's the News?"
I have a very chatty class this year. Even my most attentive listeners love the
opportunity to talk, talk and talk some more.
So hearing their news is always interesting. It always sparks great conversation. And it always means that Morning Meeting runs
the risk of lasting a half hour.
I know, I have the option of limiting the number of students
who share. I'm just always afraid of missing really important news. I'd hate to listen to a
kid talk about, "yesterday I got to go to the mall" while that other
kid who isn't chosen that day gets no opportunity to
voice, "my baby cousin was born," or "my dad was in a car
accident." Besides, everyone needs
to be greeted. And I know, I could have
them partner up to greet each other at the same time...but it doesn't
work. They all stop to listen to each
other and then feel bad when they run out of time listening to each other. So once I started this tradition of sharing our news, it was hard to get out of it!
Then I thought about another strength of my class. They enjoy technology (and as you can guess
by the fact that I have several blogs, so do I). Our classroom
blog is for them as opposed to
their parents (you can see the benefits of Edmodo vs. Weebly in this post). I realized not only is
technology a huge hook for them this year, but what I really needed was to
borrow from a well known website that is geared towards quick updates. Something that would allow students to all be
heard, but only for a moment.
Hence the birth of our Twitter Board!
I'd seen another teacher create a Twitter bulletin board outside the classroom for
the beginning of the year with sentence strips, so I thought about how I could make the board more visible in my classroom. I inherited a
pocket chart when I started teaching at my current school, and it's always been
under utilized. So I laminated some
sentence strips to put in the pockets.
Each strip has a student's name on it, that way they can each write only
one "Tweet" per day, as soon as they come in in the morning.
It is a work in progress teaching them how to put their news
under the last person's news, and how to start fresh on a new day, covering
yesterday's news but not anyone's news for today (there are fewer pockets than kids, so we have to accept there will be "overlap," but so far there hasn't been a day when more than 10 kids have news to tweet).
Overall it's been a big hit! For one thing, when I told the kids that,
"Although I love hearing all your news each day, I feel like we're sitting
in the circle for too long each morning," they emphatically agreed! Since introducing this system, I
usually get at least 6 kids who want to Tweet, so all I need to do for our
"share time" is to run through the Tweets myself.
I hope you can use this with your class. I love how easy it is to set up because everyone has a pocket chart, right? If you don't you can get a pocket chart here (affiliate link).
It's a great complement to my Morning Meeting Shares sign up system (click to read the next post in my Morning Meeting series)! The kids are as glad as I am that Morning Meeting moves along at a quicker pace without squashing anyone's news.
I hope you can use this with your class. I love how easy it is to set up because everyone has a pocket chart, right? If you don't you can get a pocket chart here (affiliate link).
It's a great complement to my Morning Meeting Shares sign up system (click to read the next post in my Morning Meeting series)! The kids are as glad as I am that Morning Meeting moves along at a quicker pace without squashing anyone's news.
I LOVE the Twitter board idea ~ that's totally new to me! Great idea! Glad you shared it!