This year I'm going to try out a rotation chart I designed
and made. I'm really proud of it, but
time will tell how well it works!
Last year my fourth graders had a hard time with doing their Every
Day Counts tasks consistently. I tried
putting cards on their desks to let them know it was their turn to complete a
task, but they'd tell me they:
5. Next I cut the
slits. I used a ruler and a box cutter
to make sure I was following the guidelines on the task list. I was careful to leave those vertical borders
while still making the slits wide enough for the names strip to fit

1. Lost the card
2. Forgot
3. Didn't know they
were supposed to do it because they thought someone else put it on their desk
Mmhmm. So I to post them. The trouble is, I dreaded the idea of moving every kids' clothespin every single day after school. I know this works for some teachers; I just wasn't feeling it. No, I wanted something that I could just slide and everyone's name would move down. Hence the Daily Math Tasks Rotation Chart was born! Here's how I did it:
Mmhmm. So I to post them. The trouble is, I dreaded the idea of moving every kids' clothespin every single day after school. I know this works for some teachers; I just wasn't feeling it. No, I wanted something that I could just slide and everyone's name would move down. Hence the Daily Math Tasks Rotation Chart was born! Here's how I did it:
1. To create this
chart, I started with standard 8 1/2 by 11 aqua paper, but turned it to
2. I stuck the title
at the top, of course.
3. Then, all still in
landscape, I created a table with 2 columns.
On the right I typed up the tasks I wanted. I'm not sure if you can see that I left
between a quarter of an inch of space between each row. Then on the left I typed up the kid's names (I changed half of them for this post for student privacy) with
the same amount of space. I left some blank spaces for when (not if, it's
always when) I get new students. I made
an extra column of blank rows for tasks so that I can add tasks as the year
progresses. I also made a second column
of kids' names (not shown) because I'm guessing I'll need them in order to
"loop" the names. Otherwise if
I move the strip down, when the kid on top is doing the second task, there will
be no one above him to do the multiples task!
4. I cut out each
column separately. The tasks got glued
to the right and then I laminated it. I
laminated the kids' names separately.

I'm really happy with the look and construction of this
chart. There are just 2 things that I
need to think about:
1. What happens when
a kid is absent? My plan will be to take
the first name that appears below the blue, write them on a post it, and stick
it over the absentee kids' name. Or I
could have an early finisher volunteer to do it (Update: One of my students suggested that I create another job called "Substitute" and that person fills in if anyone is out that day. Apparently another teacher in the building uses that job for her job chart. Love it! Thanks Mrs. L...I'm guessing that was all you, haha).
2. Is it going to be
possible to loop the names back behind the chart while it's hanging up? That was actually my plan all along, but now
I'm wondering how it will lay flat.
Oops. I might need to reconsider
that plan and just hang a poster under the chart to hide the names. That would probably be the most sensible solution
and let me focus on other things! (Update: I having it hanging in a corner so that the names section has space and it's even closer to the calendar itself. Like it was meant to be!)
I think it's got some potential for this year. Plus it looks nice with the rest of my Every Day Counts wall! I did update this wall (it was one of my Summer Projects). Some of my other upgrades include:
- I'm hoping the Depositor is easier to see but still reach now that it's above the calendar.
- The containers for money lay flat and coordinate so nicely with my colors!
- Fractions labels are typed and ready (but hard to see when laminated, grrr).
- There is a spot and organization system in place for the monthly geometry words! That polka dot poster board (made from wrapping paper mounted on poster board and laminated) will house all the words as we generate and discuss our list. At the end of the month the September poster will be hung above the closets for the remainder of the year.
- The only thing I have left to add (now that we're halfway through September) is I realized we sort of need to create a "pattern" section as well. After the kids noticed alternating colors for September we don't really need to talk about it every. single. day. Maybe once the pattern is posted they'll get the idea that they don't need to bring it up every time, haha.

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