
Revisiting My Summer Goals

I've been asked to reflect on the goals I set at the beginning of the summer.  This post is week 7 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators.  And it appears I re-prioritized (that's usually how I roll).

To recap, the two professional goals I named were to finish my course on anchor charts and try an online gradebook (possibly Google).

My FIL's place.  Top left corner, anyway (it's an apartment).
The reason I reprioritized is because I have been traveling this summer.  Recharging and making time for family (especially when they live overseas) is important and as much as I love to teach and improve my craft, teaching is not my whole life.  So planning for next year has to wait until after my trip.

As for the anchor charts course, I'm nearly finished!  At first I thought I just got a lot of ideas to copy, haha.  But as I progressed through the course I was happy to find that I really was able to come up with some original ideas for my own new anchor charts. 

Other than that, I've been working on a few personal goals and hobbies.  I spent a good deal of time photographing products for my store.  I've been learning to create videos using that footage.  Stay tuned for more on that!

The hobby I've been working has been hand lettering!

I thought hand lettering would be a great hobby for a few reasons.  It's been a while since I've done any drawing, so I thought this would ease me back in.  It also seemed to complement the anchor chart course (I thought it would help me design some titles).  And finally, I thought it would help me build some fine motor stamina.  As I (and everyone else) do more and more work on computers and mobile devices, I struggle to write by hand for any extended amount of time.  I've enjoyed it so far, and I'm considering trying a more challenging book once I finish this one.

What have you been up to during your break from teaching young humans?

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  1. Wow, it's already August and I can't believe how quickly this summer has gone by. I'm feeling inspired to revisit the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the season. It's time to buckle down and focus on achieving them before the summer ends!

  2. Hand lettering could be a good idea, because one conveys the thoughts & ideas through the letter. Do not write a lengthy paragraphy, try using short sentences to cover your speech, because sometimes it requires too much on writing and it stresses out.

  3. Revisiting my summer goals is an essential practice to stay focused and motivated throughout the season. It allows me to reflect on my initial aspirations, assess my progress, and make any necessary adjustments.

  4. Revisiting my summer goals is an essential practice to stay on track and make the most of the season. It allows me to reflect on my initial aspirations, assess my progress, and adjust my plans if needed.

  5. Revisiting My Summer Goals is a reflective exercise that allows us to assess our progress, reevaluate our priorities, and make necessary adjustments. It's a valuable practice to ensure that we stay on track and make the most of the summer season.

  6. Revisiting my summer goals allows me to evaluate my achievements and identify areas where I can make improvements. It's an opportunity to celebrate the milestones I've reached and adjust my strategies.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Summer goals can range from learning a new skill to traveling to a fantasy goal. When evaluating your summer goals, why not include writing a thrilling horror story with the help of horror writing services.

  9. Reflecting on my summer goals, I initially set out to finish a course on anchor charts and explore an online gradebook. Despite my efforts, traveling and family time took precedence. This reprioritization reminds me that much like how educators must adapt, venture capital firms in Pakistan continually reassess priorities to seize emerging opportunities.

  10. Faisal Aftab10:22 AM EDT

    Reflecting on my summer goals, I've taken a refreshing detour with family travels overseas, which prompted me to reprioritize my professional objectives. While I've almost completed my anchor charts course, I've also delved into new hobbies like hand lettering and video creation for my store. It's been a rewarding balance, akin to presenting a unique pitch on 'Shark Tank Pakistan'—strategizing new ventures while embracing personal growth and creativity. How have your summer pursuits been shaping up?

  11. I have been revisiting my summer goals and feel pretty inspired to sit down and research into my potential Law Dissertation Topics. The topic choice has always been critical, but I have come across some nice ideas that best suited my interests and future career plans. Brainstorming areas in which you are passionate really helps if you are struggling to find the perfect topic for your law dissertation. Take a minute or two to review your summer goals; you'll get a lot of inspiration from this alone. Pick a topic of interest that has enough research materials to work with. All the best in this journey towards completing your dissertation!


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